Monday, July 29, 2013

Control the Biochemistry of Your Body when Lose Weight

Metabolism the Key

The human body is considered fit if its mental and physical health are good, it strictly follows proper habits, diets, and exercises, and can handle and deal with everyday stresses. But the underline true is that all of the above are governed by a biochemistry machinery that started running from the vey beginning of our life. Weight loss is not an exception to this fundamental biology rule, wether you are metabolizing in Catabolic or you are in Anabolic, both components of all living species, called Metabolism. Watch this video.
The biochemistry is a science that explain how the chemistry works in the biological system, in simple work is the chemistry of living organism. Human are therefore also suggest to the law of biochemistry. If we pretend to understand our body, how does it respond to different factors which potentially alter our inner body chemical balance, as for example weight loss program you need to understand the principals of biochemistry.  Since no matter what approach you decide to go for, diet, exercise, meditation, drugs and pills for get your body in shape, all of them alters one way or another your biochemistry.

Metabolism is the sums of those chemical transformation that take place in the interior of each one of the cells of your body, (more that 13 trillions). Doing this vital biological feature, your body wether enter in construction mode, i. e anabolic mode, or enter into a breakdown process of substances i.e. catabolic mode. If you your goal is to loss weight, you should be consuming more than what your store, so the balance move in favor to the catabolic mode, catabolic release free energy in the process that you may have storage in form of complex sugar (polysaccharides, glycogen, disaccharides or monosaccharides). The catabolic machinery transform matter and from that process it releases energy in form of ATP, said sugar (glucose) is transform it into CO2, H2O and Energy. These new energy can be use for the other part of the balance, the constructive mode (anabolic), i.e., to build muscle. You should remember, that all anabolic process is an uphill trip so your body will need to put effort and energy (ATPs) to achieve the top (muscle building).

So how to take advantage of this two natural process?, how to combine them to maximize your purpose to loss weight and get back in shape and reach your goal of a healthy body?. Well basically, speed up the catabolic mode and regulate the anabolic, so thats the reason all weight loss programs combine diet with exercise if they want to do it naturally, otherwise they will suggest the uses of slimmer pills to get the job done for you. Since we as human are omnivorous (eat veggies, fruits and meats) to obtain our food supply. An excellent Video on this can be found here,

You should nurture your body with proper nutrition to function well and stay healthy. Important minerals, vitamins, and foods must be provided to achieve overall fitness.  I grew at the Caribbean here we learn from several cultures different cooking and special recipes that boost our energy and provide us with resistant of severe hot and humid tropical weather.  Your can see some of these body "staminator" (food for stamina) here at,

Keep in mind that good spiritual, mental, and physical health is the real meaning of fitness. You can obtain the best mind sane in body sane tips and informative reading on the articles writing at  Since body fitness occurs if all the processes of the body associated with mental and physical state are functioning at its peak levels. However, this is not only a one day task. It does not necessarily mean going to a gym or simply taking a walk in a park..  There are several factors that must be considered when talking about body fitness. Daily necessities as well as body conditioning are needed.

Physical exercises absolutely help the body to become strong. All parts of your body need to function as a whole. Therefore, the absence of one factor can fail your entire fitness needs. Take for instance; you only focus on maintaining your weight and meeting cardiovascular needs. You forgot that your body is not only composed of your heart. All your other organs should also be functioning well. Body fitness is not only achieving a beautiful figure but replenishing what was depleted from the body due to daily activities. Physical exercises should benefit your entire body.

Available resources must be used wisely. Educating one's self about bodily needs for maintaining a fit body is also important. If you have an unhealthy body, you need to dig deeply for its causes. In fact, becoming fit again is not easy as you could observe that what makes your body unfit is several years of body abuse from bad habits, poor nutrition, and lack of physical exercises. You should also know the difference between wellness and fitness since some have misconception about it. Being well and being fit is entirely different and have exclusive conditions, but both are essential in maintaining vitality and health. A fitness counselor or licensed fitness instructor at a fitness club or local gym can test your fitness levels, while wellness is determined by optimum functioning of your immune systems. The body maintains its balance if both fitness and wellness are in its maximum levels. Generally, nutritional intake affects the ability of the mind, body, and staying well. If this is combined with healthy eating, clean living, and regular exercise, then it will result to total wellness and fitness.

Giving proper attention on the physical needs of every body parts can also result to total body fitness. Never forget that these parts are working in unison with one another. In order for the limbs to function at its peak levels, two hands, two eyes, two feet, and other parts are important.  Your physical body works better compared to any invented machine. It's more powerful and complex, thus it can take more abuse yet continuously operate without meeting its everyday requirements for a few days.  But if you put first body fitness in your life, then your body can do its work tremendously well. This is the Video that you will need to watch and get the amazing information which will drive your body into another level, please take a look at
Hope this humble contribution be valuable for your understanding of the basic of biochemistry of your body and how your metabolism need to be reprogrammed to help you get rid of any overweight. Remember, any of these three links will explain with videos what you had read about here, just follow them next and keep healthy with the Unique Caribbean DIET.

  1. The true about food metabolites triggers;
  2. The real metabolizer in nature, VIDEO
  3. The skin care, Magical Anti-Aging Cream

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